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Submission Guidelines

Address queries to Queries sent to specific staff or other email addresses will be deleted.

No unrequested manuscripts or other file attachments please. If you submit a query for a genre we absolutely do not publish, such as YA fiction or children's books, that query will automatically be deleted. 


The body of your email should contain your name, manuscript title, genre, word count, a 1-2 paragraph blurb similar to what you might imagine the back cover of your book to read, and the first three paragraphs of your manuscript. (No formal synopses please. We hate reading them as much as you hate writing them!)


Preferred word count range: 55,000-95,000 




POLITICAL OR LEGAL THRILLERS: Set against a historic or current backdrop, high stakes plotlines in which political or litigative settings are at the core. Characters must be well-developed. U.S. settings preferred. International also considered. (We will launch these two new lines when we find the right manuscripts.)





TRUE CRIME: Please see our recently released true crime titles as examples of the quality of work we're seeking for this line. Cases should be well researched legally and in terms of character/psychology of all involved. Focus on high profile cases is encouraged, but not required.


POLITICS: We're looking for expert insight into the Federal and State political and elections issues that affect America. Behind-the-scenes stories and tell-alls/mosts are welcome, as are biographies and autobiographies of individuals in the public eye. Historical and international-relations focused submissions will also be considered.


SPIRITUALITY: Sample topics might include the mysteries of ancient civilizations, near death experiences, angelic or divine encounters, soul connections, quantum physics (where God and science meet), kundalini, fighting spiritual evil, etc. (We will launch this new line when we find the right manuscripts.)


TRAVEL: We're looking for unique travel guides with a specific interest in well-known (or even obscure) tourist destinations focused on around historical events, buildings, myths or lore. These guides might be perfect for onsite gift shops, or fans who have developed a fascination with the location. Cities, regions, and countries are also of interest.

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