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Awakening the Ancients

Awakening the Ancients


The soul remembers what the mind forgets.


My name is Ariana. I am heiress to the old religions, collector of history, gatherer of the Ancients. I wish I could say all magic and wisdom were mine again, but I’m human now and have been for a very long time.


I have come back to find the mates to my soul.


Christian Winger. My friend and protector. The one person in my untried world who also heard the Whispers.


Daen. Friend or foe—we know not which. That he is powerful and beautiful is beyond argument.


Ryuichi. A tormented Japanese rock star with the secrets of our magic and an undying love held inside his memory.


This is my diary. Our Record.


The Ancients are awakening.

SKU: 9781934912621

    340 pages. Paperback.


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    Ariana Wolvshire

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    978-1-934912-62-1 paperback

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