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The Fine Art of Being Vertical: Surviving the Loss of a Child

The Fine Art of Being Vertical: Surviving the Loss of a Child


There is no deeper grief
than the loss of a child.
It won’t be easy.

But you can make it through.


Grieving the loss of a child is a deeply private, personal and sometimes brutally lonely process.


Author Elizabeth Campbell Huntsman has been there herself. THE FINE ART OF BEING VERTICAL is a workbook she developed following the loss of her son; it is filled with exercises she uses to lead grief support groups. This workbook is designed to be a simple, brief, no-nonsense tool to help grieving parents during their darkest hours. This book gives the parent personal space to work through such issues as:


- Handling people who say "helpful" things that hurt.
- Deciding what to do with your child’s things.
- Dealing with guilt.
- Interacting with family members who grieve differently than you.
- Understanding the differences your child’s manner of death and age can make in the grieving process.
- Finding beauty in life again.
- And many more issues grieving parents face …

SKU: 9781934912553

    66 pages. Paperback.


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    Elizabeth Campbell Huntsman

  • ISBN

    978-1-934912-55-3 paperback

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